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Provera is a very important drug which produces female hormone called progestin.
Womens Health
Medroxy Progesterone
Not Required

Provera 2.5mg

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$68.70 $2.29
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Provera 5mg

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$68.70 $2.29
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Provera 10mg

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180 Pills
$68.70 $2.29
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360 Pills
$68.70 $2.29
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    • Provera

      Drug Information

      Whenever you have some problems with the menstrual cycle like there could be a lack of menstrual periods altogether, or there could be abnormal bleeding, Provera comes into the picture. Besides this, Provera also finds application in delivering women on a dose of estrogens from the risk of getting uterine cancer. The physician could also suggest other uses of the medicine.


      It would be wrong to believe a mixture of estrogen and Provera could avert hear-attacks, heart diseases or dementia. Rather, progestin hormones, when combined with estrogen, boost a person's susceptibility to heart disorders like heart-attacks, dementia, stroke, clotting of blood, or breast-cancer in women.


      There are some side-effects associated with Provera. To avoid these, the least minimum dose should be used for the minimal time-period. The physician would be the best person to give you the best advice on this quarter.


      Provera delivers its results similar to the progestin hormone. The lining of the uterus is changed in the process. Menstrual problems like abnormal bleeding are remedied by virtue of Provera because it has such highly effective elements in as its ingredients.

       How to Take Provera?

      • The appropriate dosage of Provera is printed on the drug itself. It should be strictly followed, or you should follow the instructions of the physician.
      •  Provera is supposed to be taken on an empty stomach or it can even be consumed after a meal.
      • A pattern of regularity should be observed while taking Provera. It should be consumed at exactly the same time every day.
      • In case you forget to take a particular dose, you could make up for it whenever you are reminded of it, but be careful not to take a double dose of Provera because you missed one. Make sure there is a gap between two alternate doses.
      • Consult your physician before combining Provera and a dose of another medicine.
      • The doctor should be consulted if you suffer from an allergy like asthma, mental or mood issues, porphyria, diabetes, vision or eye problems, swelling, water retention, gallbladder, high blood pressure, bleeding or stroke in the brain, kidney problems, high cholesterol, and other problems. It would help in determining the appropriate dosage of Provera.
      • Some side-effects like nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, feeling tired, etc. are a common trait.


      • Provera shouldn’t be used by pregnant women or by those who plan to get pregnant in the near future.
      • Consumption of alcohol while on a dose of Provera could prove to be detrimental. Drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes can always enhance the dizziness associated with Provera.
      • A regular check-up with the physician is required while on a dose of Provera. This would be required to evaluate the compatibility of Provera with you.
      •  Provera might interfere with the regular use of contact lenses. Consult a physician if you face such issues.
      • A regular breast-examination is a must for the ladies using Provera. The physician should be approached immediately in case lumps are discovered.
      • Provera should be used with caution by the elderly as they are more vulnerable to its side-effects.
      • Nursing mothers involved in breast-feeding should consult the physician before trying on Provera.
      • Users of Provera should avoid operating heavy machinery or driving a car because Proera might cause some dizziness. 

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